Children Day Celebration@DPS

Children Day Celebration@DPS

Children Day Celebration
Time for some splashing fun cheers ‘n’ jolly time for everyone becase its Children’s Day.May the love and laughter always stay on every child’s face.
Children’s Day was celebrated as a day fun and frolic by the students of Pre Nursery to 2nd today 14th November 2018.
The tiny tot wing was a sea of colour with all students dressed in casuals ramping around and where the sound of music, laughter and excitement on each other child’s face was a sight to be hold.Students thrilled the floor with their dance performance.It is highly appreciated by our esteemed Managing Director Mr.Ravinder Singla.He gave his blessings to the tiny tots and the students were motivated by our honourable Director/Principal Mr.D.K.Tyagi.

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