Fee Rules
1. To get the best from the school for your child, you are advised to maintain a close contact with the school. We earnestly recommend that parents and guardians should look into their ward’s school almanac everyday and ensure that lessons and homework assigned for the day are done. Remarks given by Principal/Teachers in the almanac should be seen and counter signed.
2. Parents are not allowed to visit the classrooms to see their children or teachers during regular teaching days without permission of the Principal.
3. Parents are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address and telephone numbers in the standard performa available at school.
4. Avoid asking for a half-day leave. In case of emergency, permission must be sought, in writing, from the Principal through the Class Teacher.
5. Do not send your child to school, if sick or not good at health, to attend classes or even for Formative Assessment
6. Parents attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of the school or teachers in presence of the child should be scrupulously avoided as it causes the students to lose respect for their teachers with the consequent failure to learn from them that may retard their progress.
7. If there is any legitimate complaint, please meet or write to the Principal at the earliest. Your complaint would be personally verified by the Principal and suitable action will be taken up.
8. Any communication made by the parent/guardian should be addressed to the Principal/Head Mistress through the class teacher. The name of the student, address and phone number, admission number and class/section should be clearly mentioned in the application.
9. Parents should sign the progress report card and return it to the school within three days from the date of distribution. If the progress report is lost or mutilated, a replacement will be made after the payment of the required of Rs. 100/- at the Administrative Office. Rs. 50 will also be charged for replacement of the I-Card.
10. The Name, Admission No., Class, Section and House of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings and uniform of the students.
11. Parents are advised to ensure that their wards should attend school on the notified date at the beginning of the semester or after each vacation.
12. Collection and distribution of lunch boxes and other belongings is not the responsibility of the school. Therefore, parents should ensure to send such things with the child only.
13. Parents are advised not to send sweets, presents, etc. to school for any occasion like Birthdays, Teacher’s day, Children Days or any other festival through their wards.
14. Parents are requested not to board the school buses, either to see off or receive their wards.
15. Parents should not try to overtake and stop the school bus to facilitate the boarding of their wards as this endangers the safety of the bus. Such attempts would lead to strict disciplinary action against the offenders.
16. Parents should not argue with the teachers/conductors/driver present in the bus. In case of any problem, a written complaint should be submitted to the Principal.
17. Our School is polybag-free zone. Parents are requested not to send or bring any articles like tiffin, stationery, craft articles etc. to school in polybags.
18. Parents can e-mail their grievances/suggestions to the Principal which would be surely looked into and addressed. Our e-mail is dpskurukshetra@yahoo.in
19. Parents/Guardians are requested to read and explain the school rules to their wards.
20. Any change in the schedule or any urgent information will be informed to the parents through an SMS
21. On the child’s birthday, only toffees may be distributed in the class room. Students of class VI and onwards are not permitted to come to school in any casuals on any day including birthday’s and PTMs.