PVC Speaks

Albert Einstein has rightly said, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”. Enabled by this noble thought, it gives me an immense pleasure and pride to be a part of the noble mission of imparting quality and value based education to the children of the nation. Keeping in mind this mission DPS Kurukshetra is going to be a milestone in the annals of schools of the historic land of Kurukshetra.
Education, especially in the modern times, has become so extensive that its tentacles have reached the space, the moon & much beyond as well. Gone are the days of ABCD or numerals & tables. Thus, bearing its credibility, DPS means “to deliver a multi-dimensional Education for life to the children”. Thus, my repeated words to my Principal & staff have always been “Give your total self to the children as, there definitely, cannot be any service better than this”. All those who have chosen to be a part of Delhi Public School Kurukshetra, must stay assured of a virtual Honesty, Integrity & Dedication. The interior & exterior of your child will be designed to suit all weathers. Moreover the Foundations of such a long life cannot be laid on deficit of Truth.
With Best Regards
Mr. Amit Jain
Pro Vice Chairman , DPS Kurukshetra